Hey guys, Steve Coyne here with A&M Investments in Charleston, West Virginia. I want to talk to you guys today about one of the most important parts of our process.
It’s checking for structural damage. Your foundation is obviously one of the most important parts of your home, and we want to make sure that we’re checking for structural.
First, number one, we want to give our client the best possible investment that they’re gonna have, because buying a house is a long-term investment.
Number two, we also want to make sure that we’re not causing yourself grief. At the end of the project, once the stuff is found, then it’s gonna cost us more time and money.
So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna get into it. Step one, I’ll check for any type of bulging of the walls, settling, water intrusion, if you have any type of indication that those things are occurring, go ahead and call yourself a structural engineer, which leads us to step two.
Once you call your structural engineer, have them come in and give you type of any recommendations of any repairs that they want you to do, with a full structural report.
So that leads us to step three. Find yourself a good structural company that’s gonna do the repairs. Bobby King, United Structural Systems, fantastic company, give them a shout.
Once you guys get in touch with a company like that, they can give you a good estimate, go off the report, give you a price, you guys agree to the price, move on to step four.
You get your structural company engineer together, structural engineer together, to make sure that the whole thing is being monitored, and both of them are on the same page.
So at the end of the day, you’ll get your final PE stamp of approval. And you’ll be able to use that letter to give to your clients, put in your descriptions on your listings.
So it just ensures that we’ve done the right thing, and it’s super important to do the right thing in any of these steps.
So guys, we hope you enjoyed that. Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you on the next one. Thanks.