Detailed look at our acquisition process

This is Andrew McDavid, A&M Investments. We purchase, renovate, and resell properties here in Kanawha and Putnam County. Today, I wanna talk to you a little bit more in detain in the first part of what
we talked about last week.

We talked about the three things that we look for when we look to buy your house. So I wanna get into a
little bit more detailed look at our acquisition process. Now, typically, what we see is that a seller such as yourself, you either contact us through phone, through our website, or through Facebook.

When you do one of those three things, you’ll speak to our lead manager. She’ll explain to you our
process and how we do things. If agreeable to you, she’ll make an appointment, put you on the schedule
for a acquisitions manager to come out, take a look.

We do appointments every day, Monday through Friday, from say, nine to six, so we try to work around your schedule. Our acquisition manager, he’s gonna come out, walk with you through the house, talk to you about the history of the home, and most importantly, talk to you about your situation with the house.

And this is very important, because we need to know exactly what’s goin’ on with the background of this home, and your current situation with the house. We love to craft win-win situations for our clients, and sometimes, that means telling the client that we may not be your best option.

We would love to buy as many houses as we possibly can, but sometimes, it’s in our client’s best interest that they go elsewhere to try to get this thing taken care of, so if you have a lot of time, and you’re not really in a rush scenario, then sometimes, depending on the house, we will tell you that you need to list this with a realtor, that maybe financially may be your best benefit.

Now, if you have a time-sensitive issue, however, we’re probably your best bet, and what I mean by time-sensitive, maybe the house is behind on payments, maybe it’s behind on taxes, maybe you have relocated, and now you’re carrying two mortgages with two sets of carrying costs, and that needs to be alleviated quickly.

We usually can take care of those things very quickly, whether it be we pay for cash, or taking over the mortgage of the home. We have several different scenarios that we can try to help you with, but we won’t know that till we come out, take a look at it, and go over with you what your best option may be.

I hope this helps. Next week, we’ll talk about the second part in that, and that’s the repair process,
how we look at the repairs. Again, this is Andrew McDavid, A&M Investments.

See you next time.


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A&M In an Instant Ep. 4. Detailed look at our acquisition process
Andrew McDavid

We have been buying houses for going on 7 years now. We love the process of buying a house and rehabbing it to make it new again. We buy ugly houses as well as pretty houses. We buy them as-is and we try to craft win-win situations for both us and the buyer. Contact us today. We'd love to talk to you about your house!

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